
International Alumni Monitoring Tool - IAMT

This tool will track and collect objective and subjective data on the mobility and career progression of international students in the fields of engineering or business administration.

Employability Activity Catalogue - EAC

Map and collection of employability and retention activities, which are the basis for a special Career Programme within the “International Talent Journey” (ITJ).

International Talent Journey - ITJ

It is an intensive career development program for international students, to facilitate their entering into the local labour markets. The concept contains common framework and content while the core activities can be chosen due to the local differences and individual's needs.

Online Training for Staff

The training includes 3 Modules aiming at increasing strategic skills and competnecies of actors involved in the student’s journey into the labor market (SMEs, HEIs and Third Party Organisations' staff) to support them efficiently.

Training Userguide


Outputs Sustainability

In our Consortia the sustainability of the outputs is a relevant aspect of INTERLOCALITY project. To know how to implement our outputs at your Insitutions or to particpate in our webinars and training, contact the project partners or follow us on LiknedIn!
